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 puttext()               Copy Text From Memory to Screen

 #include <conio.h>

 int        puttext(left,top,right,bottom,source);
 int        left;
 int        top;
 int        right;
 int        bottom;
 void       *source;

    puttext() copies the contents of an area of memory pointed to by
    'source' to a rectangular screen area bordered by absolute screen
    coordinates ('left','top'), ('right','bottom').

    The number of bytes of memory needed to originally store the screen
    information is:

            #bytes = (#rows) x (#columns) x 2

    This is because each screen position takes 2 bytes of memory. (The
    first byte is the cell character and the second is the cell's video

       Returns:     1, if successful. 0 is returned on failure.

   Portability:     IBM PC & BIOS-Compatables only.

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------
    The following statements fill part of the screen with characters,
    store those characters in memory and put them back on the screen in a
    different place.

           #include <conio.h>

               char buffr[20*10*2];
               int x, y;

               for (y = 0; y < 9; y++) {
                    for (x = 0; x < 19; x++)

See Also: gettext() movetext()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson